
聖漾綠水自詡於它經提煉且清新的口感。它在味蕾上的質地,讓它這款水每次與餐點搭配都倍感美味且使得味覺更為清新。 專業,真實,健康和歡樂的這些品質建立起聖漾綠水成為強而有力的價值。我們很希望與你分享這些想法。
它的獨特除了口感及氣泡細緻之外,相較於一般市面上的礦泉水或氣泡礦泉水皆是圓瓶身,而Saint Géron為了它的與眾不同,與藝術家Alberto Bali創造出這款特殊的瓶身設計。靈感源於羅馬建築『圓』與『方』的和諧平衡結合,以及隱涵 地球(圓) 與 天堂(方) 的平衡融合,再更深入的 地球(圓) 與 奧弗涅(方) 的兩相和諧結合,創造出瓶身上部為『圓』柱體以及向下結合『方』柱體的玻璃瓶身設計。
Saint Géron 來自一個古老的天然泉水水源。
Saint-Géron 聖漾綠水純天然氣泡礦泉水位於法國的奧弗涅地區,是一個與世隔絕的森林、火山風景和岩石峽谷的天然區域,是世界上少數的純天然氣泡礦泉水。深處于豐富的地底天然豐富礦物質,使得Saint-Géron含有獨特的性格及元素。
SAINT GÉRON的100%純天然氣泡
SAINT GÉRON水的氣泡是完全自然的。沒有人工添加,它唯一的氣體就是它自然擁有的二氧化碳。從源頭中冒出的水源中即帶有SAINT GÉRON氣泡。由於其氣泡的美味和非常均衡的礦物質(由碳酸氫鹽促進消化,鎂促進記憶)和20多種礦物質(包括鋰)讓聖漾綠水的氣泡極不容消散,尤其是不含硝酸鹽。因此,SAINT GÉRON能與你的餐宴完美搭配。也因此,它為我們的身體帶來了和諧與幸福。
從深層的地底直接湧出自帶天然氣泡,感謝有這樣得天獨厚的地形,聖漾綠水涵富溶解礦物質,來自天然的土壤地質。這個過程粹化聖漾綠水 Saint Géron 氣泡礦泉水,成就了這個獨特品牌。
講究好水.講究 好生活
鎂 內含量53.7mg/L。人體每天消耗16%。幫助防止骨骼中的鈣質流失,避免記憶力降低,抗壓力和消除疲勞,消除草酸鈣結石-與腎絞痛有關的問題,也扮演抗過敏和抗炎的作用。
鈣 內含量90mg/L。建議每天11%的予許攝取量。它有助於維護骨骼及牙齒。並且對於預防如結直腸癌方面的疾病有正面的影響。
鉀 內含量20mg/L。建議每天1%的予許攝取量。這是為了確保身體細胞的生存,幫助限制誘發痙攣及透過降低高血壓以保護心臟。
鈉 內含量207.9mg/L。建議每天5%的予許攝取量。它保持著低淡度,而這個礦物質保持著人體的水平衡以及讓肌肉與神經之間維持正常運作。
鋰 內含量0.70mg/L。建議每天70%的予許攝取量。這對於好的生活是很重要的一環,並且這是個人體中必不可少的微量元素。在所飲用的水中的鋰原素數量及壽命之間的聯結,最近已被流行病學所證實研究。它主要的睡眠疾病和煩躁、以及調節心情中,最有效的成份。
硼 內含量0.59mg/L,它有助於減少44%的流失量。它激活雌激素的生產和維生素D。因此,硼和鍶在預防骨質疏鬆症中扮演很重要的角色。
鍶 內含量0.62mg/L,促進骨骼生長。
碳酸氫鹽 1170mg/L,內含量特別高。它強化了味道,就像溫和的殺菌劑,消除肌肉疲勞,刺激消化。根據INSERM的研究總監J.-J. Helwig博士的一項研究,碳酸氫鹽中和了大部分鹽份中鈉的影響。
低於0.1mg/L 的可檢測值含量。
錳 內含量0.4mg/L。建議每天20%的予許攝取量。這是人體生存時的必要微量元素。我們每日需要約2到3mg/L。錳對許多的結合是必不可少的,並且能幫助限制自由肌的動作。它幫助增進骨骼的保養。並且有利於分泌神經介質引導,是大腦運作非常重要的要點,特別是在記憶力、注意力集中及動作時。
氯化物 內含量1.5mg/L。建議每天4%的予許攝取量。這是世界衛生組織提倡的標準飲用水可容許氟量,通過一千多個政府衛生組織認可。每日應攝取少於3.5mg。
A mineral water with magnesium
Its health benefits
A magnesium-rich mineral water for your wellbeing
Over 70% of French people have a deficiency in magnesium 1, yet this mineral is of fundamental physiological importance. It contributes to fatigue reduction, the proper functioning of nerves, energy metabolism, the maintenance of normal bones and teeth, and many other functions 2…
In addition it has been shown that the magnesium in water is absorbed by the organism, as easily as the magnesium contained in medication or food 3,4. Another study concerning female adults, equally indicated that the magnesium in water is well absorbed, especially if the water is consumed at mealtime 5.
The consumption of Saint-Géron natural mineral water helps to efficiently meet your body’s requirements in magnesium. 1.5 liters covers 21.5% of your daily needs 6.
A bicarbonated mineral water for better digestion.
A mineral water is bicarbonated if it contains more than 600 mg/l of bicarbonate, - Saint-Géron mineral water boasts almost twice this amount! Bicarbonated mineral waters have an anti-acid 7 activity and are especially well-suited to athletes, notably during recovery phases. Following a short but intensive exercise, the objective is that of reducing the acidity in the body as quickly as possible.
A solution is to drink, in the minutes following a physical effort, a bicarbonate-laden mineral water, such as Saint-Géron.
Drinking a bicarbonated mineral water also promotes digestion, thereby avoiding bloating and the feeling of heaviness after a big meal. Indeed, bicarbonates ease the stomach’s acidity and facilitate gastric drainage, especially in the case of over consumption of meat, fat or alcohol.
A mineral water, preserved in its purity
The spring of Saint-Géron natural mineral water is located in a well preserved living area, free from agricultural and industrial pollution. The water has gradually made its way through the age-old granite and comes to the surface with natural bubbles, on a layer of earth that is rich in compact clay and completely waterproof. For thousands of years, its hydrogeological course and specific terroir, associated with underground volcanic activity, has preserved the water of Saint-Géron from external pollution.
Saint-Géron mineral water has always been nitrate free 8. It belongs to the exclusive club of best preserved natural mineral waters.
Doctor Christian Recchia
1 SUVIMAX Study (1994-2002)
2 Regulation (EU) N° 432/2012 concerning authorized health claims
3 Constant et al. Bottled water. Cah Nutr Diet (2011)
4 Fardellone P. Calcium, magnesium and natural mineral water. Cah Nutr Diet (2015)
5 Sabatier M, Arnaud MJ, Kastenmayer P, Meal effect on magnesium bioavailability from mineral water in healthy women, (2003)
6 The defined recommended nutritional value for an average adult is 375mg/day (EU regulation 1169/2011 annex XIII)
7 Study "Anti-acid Activiy of minéral waters", Dr Jacques Vatier – Annales de gastro-entérologie – November 1998
8 Below detection limits (< 0.5 mg/l)